Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend Recap

Going into this weekend I promised myself that I was not going to run around like crazy. I was not going to inflict my obsessiveness to the rest of my family either. Result: I have gotten strangely an enormous amount of work done and managed to enjoy myself in the process.
I made up two weeks worth of menus for Chip and I and a week menu for Carr. This is the first time I do Carr's menu, as a trial run. I want him to enjoy new flavors but also have healthy meals. I have bought 3 new cookbooks that I am referencing to make his meal plan. Because of his food sensitivities (milk and egg whites) I have to take extra care of what I feed him. Finding cookbooks that proved to be useful and insightful has been quite an undertaking. It took me two months to go through websites, blogs and some trials & errors before I could say that I am happy with my new reference material. My best advice to you, if you are faced with such dilemmas, is that you first take the time to list what your priorities are: fast, healthy, varied, etc. Once you have that straight, you need to ask yourself "what you are willing to do with the workload you have to get to were you want to be".
I have a major flaw, which is I do not know how to store (my next objective) food, so this makes cooking and prepping for Carr more challenging - until I learn how to. Chip and I really do not like leftovers, and it has taken me years of practice run to learn the amounts to cook for us. When it comes to Carr, I do not feed him leftovers and his appetite changes frequently because he is a growing boy.
Ultimately, I finished planning my menus, made the grocery list and paid our household bills, all on Saturday! I had time to play with Carr, and spend some quality time with Chip. My plans today range from going with Carr to the grocery store and also to my local do it yourself store to buy shelving and some safety outlets for his room. I am always surprised of the things that I can get done once I have them organized in a process.

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