Thursday, February 5, 2009

Carr's Birthday

Like any other weekday, January 27th started out early, with a big difference, I took the day off! It was my precious boy's birthday. What can I say...He has me wrapped around his little finger.

As I posted earlier, I had decided to make a homemade birthday card and send it in to the sprout channel. My husband and I had sprout on to watch if our homemade card made the cut.
Somehow, they got the name wrong, didn't understand my writing and ...Kevin wished a Happy, happy birthday to D'carr... yes he actually called my son D'carr. I looked at the website and there it was...D'carr. I took an awesome picture of the website but our PC crashed a few weeks ago, and I did not have a copy on my I lost it.

So much for documenting.

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